Hope // The Child who Knows how to ask:

Image © ​Leah Sophia Dworkin 2018


by Leah Sophia Dworkin May 4, 2018

I really hope that I don’t
love you until the day I die slash does it ever snow at open sea?
If we were losers, we could all use our beauty.


The Child who Knows how to ask:

What is the likeness between man and machine? What is good what is mad what is sad
what is an opinion what is an onion what is a muscle? What is MUSIC

How is You still alive?
How is the layers of fish a thing?
How can you unzip something
ahead of you?

What is a heart
what is a bad idea.


Leah Sophia Dworkin is a writer & artist living in New York City, where she is working on a collection of stories entitled Hey Whitefish, along with another collection of unnamed short stories, and a longer prose thing that might someday in the future resemble a novel. She recently got her MFA from Columbia University, and has been published in b(OINK), The Yalobusha Review, Lunch Ticket, HotelCosmonauts Avenue, and Bomb. She’s an assistant editor at Conjunctions.  Online she goes by @frumperella

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